Pandemic plan

Are women unfairly assumed with the responsibility to hold the teams mental and emotional health together.

By Aqib Khan | September 21, 2021

The parody of our times: Instagram, covid, and everything in between are causing major mental health issues. The recent scrapping of the infamous Instagram App for kids has proven to be detrimental to kid’s mental health. But what about us adults?

I’m going to provide a short review on the top 3 from the listed curated by
LinkedIn in a recent post. I will try my best to be subjective but I think the list itself has biases associated with it and I will delve into that a bit later.
So let’s get started


Some business leaders suggest we are on our way out of this nasty drought but many scientists and medical experts suggest that we are treading to grey untraveled waters. In my opinion I believe we are in a catatonic state where we don’t know if we are upside down or right side up.

Survival of the fittest, divide and conquer

We are a global design company.