Mobile App can be used to control 100 and 1000’s of murder Bees using IoT devices. This is How a Mobile App Solution changes the Fate of Giant Hornets!​


Mobile App:

Did you ever imagined that they could be controlled by Mobile app ? Well Lets have a quick introduction on what Murder Bees are and how they attack. 

They swarm in large groups destroying everything that comes their way. They have the ability to wipe out a honeybee hive in a matter of a few hours. A venom, seven times stronger than a honeybee, can bring humans to death. These so-called “Murder-bees” are Asian giant hornets found swarming across the states of Washington joining the Canada border. The fear spread quickly across social media that the vicious insect could establish itself in the United States and devastate bee populations which raise concerns nationwide.

It is not easy to keep track of where these large groups of giant hornets are heading, nor is it easy to tackle them without taking necessary precautions against their venomous stings. However, with the evolving technologies, IoT has shaped up to do the impossible. Aqib Khan, CEO of Toronto’s leading and most trusted mobile app development company, has come up with a new solution known as Robo-Hornets that can make the giant Asian hornets disappear from the world. Inspired by the Cockroach robot build by engineers in Texas, these Murder Bees can now be managed by a simple remote control that will stop them from reproducing and feed which will lead to its demise.

IoT-Enabled Backpacks for Hornet Bees!

The proposed Robo-Hornets are mini-computer that sit carefully and firmly on the back of live hornets. These mini backpacks carried by giant hornets will allow us to disrupt the beast from populating by creating disturbances in the formation of colonies. These robot bees could carry tiny location trackers and a sound system. Building a mobile app solution integrated with these sensors makes it easy to track and tackle the behavior of murder hornets.

Trace Murder Hornets with Tracking Sensors

Each backpack is equipped with tracking sensors that capture the location of murder bees every week. The collection of these snapshots will give an estimate of the areas that are densely populated by them. We can, hence, track them down to make new Robo-Bees and use this information for further analysis in this regard.

The Demise of Murder Bees

The prime feature of the proposed backpacks is the sound system that is set to a high-frequency mode. This high-frequency sound system has an unbearable impact on hornet bees which works as a breakdown mechanism for them. As hornets are found to move in large colonies, the high-frequency sound waves will not let them colonize. This is done by setting the sound system to produce high-frequency noises after every 10 minutes. This forces them to disperse and disrupt the formation of colonies. Hence, creating chaos from within and limiting them to make a new one which eventually seized their power to build a hive to reproduce.

How will we maintain IoT devices?

The IoT backpacks do not require maintenance. It is engineered to use slow releasing capacitors that eliminate the need for regular recharges. These batteries are often known as infinite batteries. Moreover, the sound system and tracking sensors are activated periodically making a significant decline in battery consumption. This ensures the lasting of IoT devices longer than required as it only takes a couple of months to wipe out the colony of hornet bees if they do not manage to colonize and feed themselves.

Mobile App Development

With mobile app development, we get access to the information generated by tracking sensors. This information will be used to identify the location of murder bees so we can track and analyze the direction they are spreading. The app uses analytical tools to display the information accessed from IoT devices. It will keep the counts of Robo-Hornets in work and will alert the operator in case the dead/stagnant Robo-Hornets reach a critical limit. At this threshold, it is essential to make an immediate replacement to keep up a good proportion of Robo-hornets in each colony. The data received from these sensors will display the behavior of hornet bees using various data analytical tools.

The image below is the basic structure of data transmission between an IoT device and a mobile app.

The app will be used by honey bee associations, scientists and governments to research and collect information. The mobile app will show historical information including possible colony locations prior to disruption.


Death of Drone Hornets

There may be a case where the robot hornet dies because of some unforeseeable accidents. In that case, we will lose our Robo-Bee. And with death, we also lose the IoT device. So it is important to keep the count in the records to ensure we replace a Robo-bee with another live hornet installed with an IoT backpack in a timely manner to keep the proportion of Robo-hornets in the hornet population considerably good. Even if we can track down the location of the dead hornet, it is practically not feasible to trace them back in every situation. So instead of hunting the dead hornet, we are manufacturing new IoT backpacks for new hornets.

Hornets Adapting to High-Frequency Sounds

Although it is unlikely to happen in a year as evolution takes many years to establish a new feature like that. But this is still a challenge to address if something like this happens. In case hornets evolve and adapt to the high-frequency sounds, the IoT devices installed will become inefficient towards them. The study continues to trace the behavior of hornet bees so we end up having a device that is future-ready!

Hornets Killing the Robo-Hornet

As it is not sure whether hornets can feel a threat from their companions. Thus, making it a challenge to see how these hornets will react to the Robo-Hornets when high-frequency sounds are emitted by them. It is therefore a part of a science experiment to be held in order to create an additional mechanism of safety if the result turns out to be fatal for Robo-Hornets.


What animals can do we humans cannot. And to bridge this gap, technologies with thought leadership can create a whole new dimension of possibilities to tackle our problems. The population of giant Asian hornets has invaded the borders of the US and Canada and is looking to establish itself. These giant hornets are poison to humankind and have the ability to bring devastation, especially among the honey-bee population. True Pixel Group believes in transforming the world to promote humanity at scale. We, therefore, deliberately attempt to save the world from murder bees monstrous attacks by bringing them to demise.

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