We will be spending a lot of time learning about you and your products. So it’s only fair that you get a chance to learn about us and how we develop paper napkin ideas into software products.
TRUEPIXEL was built on a desire to make great things possible. What started as two brothers building a graphics and print company has become so much more.
Now, TRUE PIXEL exists to help aspiring businesses bring their purposeful ideas to life.
What we stand for
At True Pixel, we’ve carefully crafted our values to unite us as a team, bring our clients’ ideas to life, and define our company culture. Our values are the bedrock of our success.
Impact Humanity
Taking a systematic approach to our clients challengs means we always get the opportunity to impact and change the world for the better one “Byte” at a time.
Act with Integrity
Our word means alot, both to our clients and our colleagues. We fearlessly protect it at all costs. Even if it means refunding the client.
Be Transparent
TRUEPIXEL believes that mutual trust and transparency encourage self-improvement for us all. We’re not afraid to admit if we don’t know something yet or are experiencing a problem
Embrace Change
TRUEPIXEL is a knowledge-driven team that enjoys being pushed and going out of our comfort zone. We appreciate the value our customers bring with their challenges as it gives us an opportunity to change our approach based on each situation.
TRUEPIXEL was born in 2008, founded by one designer from Seneca College and one businessman from Harvard University: Sheraz and Aqib, respectively.
What started as 2 ambitious students working on an graphic design work for some of the most successful nightlife venues and rap superstars and evolved to become a design and development partner for some of the world’s leading software companies.
Based in Mississauga, Canada, we’re a small team of innovative warriors helping small ambitious startups to the largest multinationals, we work across an incredible range of clients, helping them transform great ideas into a living, breathing reality.
Whether a project involves quantum AI computing to complex mobile healthcare solutions, our processes and working relationships are always positive and productive.
I've always wanted to help people create new things and solve complex challenges. I had my big break when working with Atlas Copco when the CEO offered profit sharing for my great ideas. I also experienced something similar experience while taking a program at Harvard when the DEEN of Harvard Medical School was surprised by my ability to quickly answer challenging questions when the class was stumped. I believe God has gifted me with the ability to generate ideas quickly and now I'm helping people and organizations solve global challenges. I always say that if I do not end up solving a global humanitarian challenge, at least I die trying and hope that God is pleased with me.